sergio antonio flores angulo

I'm a Software Developer from Mexico and the last couple of years I been working building REST APIs and some frontend apps. I consider myself a self-taugh person always looking to learn new things for fun and in my free time I like to work in my side-projects because that's my way to learn about new things.

contact info
birthday Jan 28, 1987
from Culiacán, Sin, Mexico
twitter @byoigres
github byoigres
stackoverflow /cv/byoigres
linkedin /in/byoigres
blog (spanish)
dev skills & tools
bachelor degree in informatics 2005 ⟿ 2009
upper-intermediate (b2)
work experience
Coppel 〔Senior Developer 〳 Sep-2017 ⟿ Present〕
Development and architecting a set of REST API projects to be used in a WhatsApp Bot of the company, to provide bussiness services like money loans, credit payments, purchase notifications, customer's account balance notifications with attachment PDF, and product tracking throught the Bot. Led a team of four people for this project.
R&D for a POC of an online multimedia player that supports playback of video, audio, and images running on Single Board Computers.  
Technical leader for a team of 3 software engineers during the development of a product tracking web service and a website for the help center department, to query for tracking IDs.
Enhanced application deployment by implementing best practices for web servers configuration, app logging & configuration for different assigned projects.
Built a web application to organize, export, and displays the common reports used in the legacy POS.
Development of a diverse set of prototypes applications for test third-party services.
NEORIS 〔.Net Developer 〳 Sep-2015 ⟿ Sep-2017 ~ 2 yrs〕
Development of a diverse set of web applications generally to manage CRUD operations.
Maintenance and support for different legacy .NET projects from customers.
Coppel 〔Software Developer, Software Architect, Instructor 〳 Jul-2010 ⟿ Sep-2015 ~ 5 yrs 2 mos〕
Maintenance of diverse desktop projects.
Create a PHP Framework and a CLI tool from scratch to support and make easy the development of new PHP services/apps.
Developed multiple PHP projects using the framework I created.
Design, architecture, and programming of a diverse REST services to support a diverse set of internal applications.
Instructor of a PHP course where the students built a simple framework to use it in a shopping car.